
Aurora the long dark
Aurora the long dark

Now, find the Kp number line on one of the following maps that matches the Kp number predicted above. Get Aurora Alerts customized for your location. ( Refresh this page to update the above, it is updated on the server every 2 minutes) In 12 minutes the Kp will be 3.33 - Active. In 8 minutes the Kp will be 3.33 - Active. In 12 minutes, the Geomagnetic Activity level (Kp number) will be 3.33 - Active. In 8 minutes, the Geomagnetic Activity level (Kp number) will be 3.33 - Active. In 4 minutes, the Geomagnetic Activity level (Kp number) will be 3 - Active. The Soft Serve News Aurora Prediction Program estimates that. Here is the prediction of storm intensity for the next few minutes (the higher the Kp number, the larger the Aurora):

aurora the long dark

Here are some tools that will increase your chances. If you are out there, you need to be patient and lucky. They have stops and starts (known as sub-storms).

aurora the long dark

Auroras are difficult to predict with precision.

Aurora the long dark