Now, find the Kp number line on one of the following maps that matches the Kp number predicted above. Get Aurora Alerts customized for your location. ( Refresh this page to update the above, it is updated on the server every 2 minutes) In 12 minutes the Kp will be 3.33 - Active. In 8 minutes the Kp will be 3.33 - Active. In 12 minutes, the Geomagnetic Activity level (Kp number) will be 3.33 - Active. In 8 minutes, the Geomagnetic Activity level (Kp number) will be 3.33 - Active. In 4 minutes, the Geomagnetic Activity level (Kp number) will be 3 - Active. The Soft Serve News Aurora Prediction Program estimates that. Here is the prediction of storm intensity for the next few minutes (the higher the Kp number, the larger the Aurora):

Here are some tools that will increase your chances. If you are out there, you need to be patient and lucky. They have stops and starts (known as sub-storms).

Auroras are difficult to predict with precision.