Before we go any further let’s break down the workout into its basic elements.

When I play, I typically do so for 3-4 hours at a time. Everyone is different and depending on your preference you may want to do all or none of these. Also, unlike traditional workouts, there’s very little pain here. The nice thing about this workout is that it’s low impact cardio so you likely won’t get a sweaty/foggy headset like you might with an extended session of Thrill of the Fight or some of the more intense VR workouts. There are a few different ways we can add some low impact cardio to Skyrim VR to make it a true workout. This article will focus on a few simple ways to turn Skyrim from a 100 hour, back hunching, thumb stressor into a legitimate VR workout that can be used to burn calories while fulfilling your destiny as Dragonborn. But this begs the question: How exactly does one use Skyrim VR for exercise? This guy lost 10 lbs in a couple weeks (probably water weight) and then there’s my 4 hour 1200-1800 cal Skyrim workout. If you think we’re sipping skooma then you’re mistaken my friend. Not only is Skyrim VR easy to mod but did you know you can burn up to 450-550 calories per hour with a few mental/physical tweaks? To get a better idea of what this mod allows to be broken down (and to see my numerous failures) you can check out the changelog in the "changes" tab.As the bards have told, you may have heard that Skyrim VR is the best thing to happen to virtual reality since virtual sliced bread. It's not exhaustive and some things can be broken down that don't appear here:Īncient Nord items (includes honed and armor)

Here's a list of what can be broken down. You should exercise a bit of caution when using the smelter while your enchanted weapons and armor are in your inventory. Due to some engine voodoo that is beyond my control, items that you have enchanted can be broken down and they will appear as just any normal item in the smelter.

Items will only show up at the smelter or tanning rack if you have at least one of the item and don't currently have it equipped. This isn't always the case, especially when it comes to items that can't easily be exploited, such as Daedric items. Yield amounts vary between items and, for the most part, you're not gonna get back quite as much as you put in. Pretty much every unenchanted non-unique weapon and armor can be broken down. Gems can be pried out of jewelry and circlets at a tanning rack. Items made of bone, like bonemold armor, forsworn weapons, and skulls, can be ground down into bone meal at a Grain Mill. Metallic items can be broken down at a smelter and non-metallic items can be broken down at tanning racks. This mod allows the break down of most unenchanted weapons and armor, and most clutter.